Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2.0

Use Tensorflow 2.0 to build predictors, classifiers, generative models, neural networks.

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Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2.0


TensorFlow is a popular and machine learning library developed by Google for deep learning, numeric computation, and large-scale machine learning. TensorFlow 2.0, released in Jan 2019, is the newest version of TensorFlow and includes improvements in eager execution, compatibility and API consistency.

This instructor-led, live training (online or onsite) is aimed at developers and data scientists who wish to use Tensorflow 2.0 to build predictors, classifiers, generative models, neural networks and so on.

  • Introduction

    • TensorFlow 2.0 vs previous versions -- What's new

    Setting up Tensoflow 2.0

    Overview of TensorFlow 2.0 Features and Architecture

    How Neural Networks Work

    Using TensorFlow 2.0 to Create Deep Learning Models

    Analyzing Data

    Preprocessing Data

    Building a Model

    Implementing a State-of-the-Art Image Classifier

    Training the Model

    Training on a GPU vs a TPU

    Evaluating the Model

    Making Predictions

    Evaluating the Predictions

    Debugging the Model

    Saving a Model

    Deploying a Model to the Cloud

    Deploying a Model to a Mobile Device

    Deploying a Model to an Embedded System (IoT)

    Integrating a Model with Different Languages


    Summary and Conclusion

  • Programming experience in Python.
  • Experience with the Linux command line.

21 hours (usually 3 days including breaks)


  • Install and configure TensorFlow 2.0.
  • Understand the benefits of TensorFlow 2.0 over previous versions.
  • Build deep learning models.
  • Implement an advanced image classifier.
  • Deploy a deep learning model to the cloud, mobile and IoT devices.


This course is NOT credit bearing


This course is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 South Africa