Introduction to Machine Learning
- Applications of machine learning
- Supervised Versus Unsupervised Learning
- Machine Learning Algorithms
- Regression
- Classification
- Clustering
- Recommender System
- Anomaly Detection
- Reinforcement Learning
- Simple & Multiple Regression
- Least Square Method
- Estimating the Coefficients
- Assessing the Accuracy of the Coefficient Estimates
- Assessing the Accuracy of the Model
- Post Estimation Analysis
- Other Considerations in the Regression Models
- Qualitative Predictors
- Extensions of the Linear Models
- Potential Problems
- Bias-variance trade off [under-fitting/over-fitting] for regression models
Resampling Methods
- Cross-Validation
- The Validation Set Approach
- Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation
- k-Fold Cross-Validation
- Bias-Variance Trade-Off for k-Fold
- The Bootstrap
Model Selection and Regularization
- Subset Selection [Best Subset Selection, Stepwise Selection, Choosing the Optimal Model]
- Shrinkage Methods/ Regularization [Ridge Regression, Lasso & Elastic Net]
- Selecting the Tuning Parameter
- Dimension Reduction Methods
- Principal Components Regression
- Partial Least Squares
Logistic Regression
The Logistic Model cost function
Estimating the Coefficients
Making Predictions
Odds Ratio
Performance Evaluation Matrices
[Sensitivity/Specificity/PPV/NPV, Precision, ROC curve etc.]
Multiple Logistic Regression
Logistic Regression for >2 Response Classes
Regularized Logistic Regression
Linear Discriminant Analysis
Using Bayes’ Theorem for Classification
Linear Discriminant Analysis for p=1
Linear Discriminant Analysis for p >1
Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
K-Nearest Neighbors
Classification with Non-linear Decision Boundaries
Support Vector Machines
Optimization Objective
The Maximal Margin Classifier
One-Versus-One Classification
One-Versus-All Classification
Comparison of Classification Methods
ANN Structure
Biological neurons and artificial neurons
Non-linear Hypothesis
Model Representation
Examples & Intuitions
Transfer Function/ Activation Functions
Typical classes of network architectures
Feed forward ANN.
Structures of Multi-layer feed forward networks
Back propagation algorithm
Back propagation - training and convergence
Functional approximation with back propagation
Practical and design issues of back propagation learning
Deep Learning
Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning
Softmax Regression
Self-Taught Learning
Deep Networks
Demos and Applications
Getting Started with R
Introduction to R
Basic Commands & Libraries
Data Manipulation
Importing & Exporting data
Graphical and Numerical Summaries
Writing functions
Simple & Multiple Linear Regression
Interaction Terms
Non-linear Transformations
Dummy variable regression
Cross-Validation and the Bootstrap
Subset selection methods
Penalization [Ridge, Lasso, Elastic Net]
Logistic Regression, LDA, QDA, and KNN,
Resampling & Regularization
Support Vector Machine
Resampling & Regularization
For ML algorithms, case studies will be used to discuss their application, advantages & potential issues.
Analysis of different data sets will be performed using R
Basic knowledge of statistical concepts is desirable.
21 hours (usually 3 days including breaks)